Lower back pain is a common condition and it’s understandable that most people will experience it at some point in their life. Not many years ago, the most suitable treatment was bed rest, however in today’s time when the back starts ‘playing up,’ exercise is recommend to eliminate the symptom.
Appropriate exercises can help alleviate lower back pain by stretching out tight muscles and strengthening muscles that tend to be weak during lower back pain.
Since various reasons contribute to lower back pain, it’s highly recommended to get a doctor’s advice before seeking out exercises. Listen to your body and if any pain persists during exercises, stop it right away.
Also, be sure to warm-up your muscles before you stretch them to avoid wear and tear. All stretches must be performed slow and gradual.
Lower Tummy:
The lower tummy muscles work in partnership with the lower back. It’s important to strengthen them to lessen the pain. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Concentrate on your breathing and knee movements. Breathe out as you bring one knee in towards the chest and breathe in as the foot is returned to the floor. Perform this exercise eight to ten times on each leg.
Deep Abdominal:
Other than lower tummy, another important muscle supporting the lower back and in need of absolute strengthening are the transverse abdomens. Most people have been diagnosed with weaker transverse abdomens that gradually lead to lower back pain. Place a small cushion under your head, lie on your back with your knees bent and the hip, a little distant and placed on the floor. The upper body needs to be relaxed and chin must be tucked in gently. Take a deep breath in and draw your belly button in towards your spine as you breathe out. Hold unto this contraction for 5 -10 seconds. Relax your tummy muscles as you begin breathing out. The set should be repeated 5-6 times.
Bird Dog:
The bird dog exercise mobilizes the lower back in order to aid its recovery. Start the exercise by getting onto all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under the hips in such a way that your spine is in neutral position. Keep your head in line with your spine. Breathe in deeply and extend one leg with the opposite arm inclined to your spine as you breathe out. Make sure your lower back are not sagged down. Hold unto this position for 5-10 seconds. Lower both your leg and arm to the ground as you breathe out. While alternating the sides, perform this eight to twelve times.
Bridge is a great exercise to mobilize the lower back. With knees bent and feet placed hip distance apart, lie on your back on the floor. Breathe in deeply and lift the hips off the floor as you breathe out until shoulders hips and knees are position in a straight line. Now lower your hips as you breathe in. You can perform bridge eight to twelve times.
Pelvic Tilts:
Another exercise to mobilize your lower back is pelvic tilts. Lie on you back on the floor and place a small cushion under your head. Hold that position for a while and bend your knees with the feet hip-width apart. The upper body needs to be relaxed and the chin must be tucked-in gently. Now flatten your lower back, contract your stomach muscles, and tilt your pelvis towards the heels. As you feel gentle arch in your lower back, return to ten starting position, Place your hand on the stomach and the other one under head and feel the muscles working correctly. Tilt your pelvis back and forth in a slow rocking motion. Repeat the step eight to twelve times.
While lying on your stomach prop yourself up on your stomach. Align the elbows directly under the stomach and press through your palms and the tops of your feet firmly to generate sensations in your lower back. As you breathe through it, you allow blood flow into the lower back. Hold unto the position for 1-3 minutes for healing.
The above are effective solutions for reducing chronic low back pain and strengthening the core muscles. They target important muscle groups including the back exteriors and deep core stabilizers, abdominals, and glutes. In order to avoid future strain it’s imperative to keep the upper leg muscles strong and flexible.
Chronic low back pain affects millions of Americans each year. There are, however, many treatment options available in to the sufferers, including pain management clinics that offer solutions in the form of medications, therapy, counseling and surgery.