Stress has become an everyday occurrence for many people these days. It’s safe to say that stress is normal. If you don’t have stress, you’re the odd one out.
According to the American Psychological Association, more than half of us deal with stress on a regular basis. And those dealing with the pressures of life have more anxiety, hypertension, depression and obesity than those that don’t have daily stress.
But, did you know that there are silent signs that you could be more stressed than you think?
Aside from the heart palpitations and the obvious signs you are under stress, there is a host of seemingly unrelated symptoms that creep up when you are too stressed.
Review this list of 7 signs you are way too stress than you originally thought.
1. You Start to Get Eyelid Twitches
Ever have an eyelid twitch? It’s annoying for you, but a tell tale sign that you’re doing too much for your body to handle.
These muscle twitches around the eye can last for a few minutes and stress can be the reason behind it although doctors don’t know why.
If you notice your eye twitching, try using lubricant eye drops to help calm the eyelid muscle. Also, try closing your eyes and take a deep breath. When this usually happens, the twitching will stop.
2. You Have Headaches Everyday
It isn’t uncommon to have headaches when you are under stress. Studies have shown that the more stress you have, the more headaches you end up getting.
How much is too much? If you have more than 15 headaches a month, you are considered having chronic headaches. These headaches are usually tension headaches, forming on the back and neck and moving up to your temples.
To lessen your chances of a headache, try these quick natural tips:
- Make sure you have proper posture when sitting or standing
- Try to get a good night’s rest
- Drink plenty of water to combat dehydration, which can contribute to a headache
- Opt for some muscle relaxation techniques like a massage or hot bath when you’ve had a rough day
3. Your Mouth Starts to Hurt
An achy mouth is another sign you are more stressed than you think. Clenching your jaw at night or during the day has been known to worsen stress and you may not realise you’re even doing it.
If you suspect you’re a jaw clencher at night, you can opt for a night guard. Using one can help stop teeth grinding, so it’s worth the investment.
4. Your Hair Is Falling Out
It’s normal for you to lose around 100 hairs a day, but if you find you’re grabbing clumps of hair out while you’re in the shower, you could be dealing with more stress than you previously thought.
Your hair follicle is stimulated by androgen and when that hormone spikes (due to stress), your hair temporarily falls out.
While there isn’t a magic pill to grow your hair back, having a balanced diet with healthy fats will help restore its shine and lustre.
5. Your Skin Is Itchy
When you’re faced with stress on a daily basis, your body’s immune system is thrown off whack, leaving you vulnerable to a host of problems, one of which is itchy skin.
Stress and anxiety can bring on:
- Stress hives – hives are bumps on the skin. While these are usually caused by allergies, stress can definitely bring them on.
- Heat rash – stress can sometimes make you sweaty, making it more likely to get a rash.
- Perception itch – during high levels of stress, what would normally not be as itchy to you, is perceived as highly itchy causing you discomfort.
- Triggered itch – anxiety and stress can trigger skin conditions such as eczema or acne.
To combat your itchy problem, try these natural solutions:
- Make an oatmeal paste with dry oats and water and apply on the skin
- Use witch hazel to relieve the itch
- Cortisone cream can help hard-to-soothe itchy skin
- Aloe Vera plant or Aloe Vera lotion can quickly dull the itch
6. Your Gums are bleeding
Stress can raise your cortisol levels in your body, impairing your immune system’s ability to fight off infections and sickness.
Chronic levels of this stress hormone can allow bacteria to start to invade your mouth, leaving you with periodontal disease.
During high times of stress, protect your oral health by doing the following:
- If you eat out, bring a toothbrush for a quick cleaning
- Floss daily
- Schedule regular dental cleanings
- Get a good night’s rest
- Avoid sugary drinks
Also Read: How To Focus On Improving Your Work Life Balance
7. Weird Dreams
Sleep helps us synthesise all the information and tasks we did for the day in positive and good feeling dreams.
When you are under stress, however, you’ll find that your dreams will be a bit odd, almost bizarre. You tend to ruminate and think about the day when trying to fall asleep which disrupts your sleep cycle and inhibits you from having excellent dreams.
To reclaim your dreams, try to opt for at least seven hours of sleep and stop having caffeine by noon.
Everybody has stress in their lives, but don’t make it a habit. Focus on what your body is trying to tell you – that you’re more stressed than you think.